Thursday, February 21, 2019

Vitamins & Minerals: Superfoods!

Daily Agenda:

1. Eat Superfood Salad!
2. Superfood Nutrients Activity on google classroom

Protein & Vitamins/ Minerals intro: Eat egg Muffins and Make superfood salad

Daily Agenda:

1.Warm and eat Egg Muffins
2. Make Superfood Salad
3. Watch Superfood video if time

Nutrients: Egg muffins & Vitamins/ Minerals intro

Daily Agenda:

1. Preheat oven to 350- warm and eat breakfast egg muffins!
2. Vitamins and Minerals: Smoothie Search- on google classroom

Thursday, February 14, 2019

Fat: Brownie Substitution/ Modifications

Goal: How can a favorite recipe be modified with substitutions to increase its nutritive value?

Daily Agenda:
1. Warm, divide and sample brownies
2. Complete Brownie comparison post lab chart

Wednesday, February 13, 2019

Fat Substitute: Brownies Day 1

 Goals: (1) Evaluate comparable food products to observe the effect of a modification on flavor, texture, and overall appeal using food industry techniques.

Think: How can a favorite recipe be modified with substitutions to increase its nutritive value?

Daily Agenda: 
1. Day 1 Brownies: Make and Bake

Brownie Comparison Lab
Kitchen 1: Greek Yogurt
Kitchen 2: Butter
Kitchen 3: Vegetable Oil
Kitchen 4: Apple Sauce 
Kitchen 5: Avocado 
Kitchen 6:  Coconut Oil

*How to use the ovens
2. While your brownies are baking, fill out hypothesis graph (on google classroom)
3. Healthy substitution video

Tuesday, February 12, 2019

Nutrients: Fat

(1)Students will evaluate comparable food products to observe the effect of a modification on flavor, texture, and overall appeal using food industry techniques.
(2) Students will develop knowledge and skills needed to make applied decisions about their own food and cooking needs.
Think: How can a favorite recipe be modified with substitutions to increase its nutritive value?

Daily Agenda:
1. What is fat?
2. Fat Notes
3. Good vs Bad Fats
Image result for types of fat
4. Go over Brownie Comparison Lab

Kitchen 1: Greek Yogurt
Kitchen 2: Butter
Kitchen 3: Vegetable Oil
Kitchen 4: Apple Sauce 
Kitchen 5: Avocado 
Kitchen 6:  Coconut Oil

5. Fats & Oils Activity- google classroom

Monday, February 11, 2019

Carbohydrates: Sugar

Daily Agenda:

1. Sugar Shocker Activity: On your own or with a partner, you will be researching one food and one beverage product that has a surprisingly high sugar content (salad dressings, "healthy" cereal/ oatmeal, etc.) Once you choose your product, follow the directions on google classroom to make your sugar label poster board!

Thursday, February 7, 2019

Whole Wheat Pizza Day 3

Daily Agenda:

1. Bake & Eat pizza!

  • Compare the flavor, texture, appearance and nutrition of different crusts. Which did you like better?
2. Finish Crust Research on google classroom

Wednesday, February 6, 2019

Whole Wheat Pizza Day 2

Daily Agenda:

1. Pizza Day 2: Roll out and top
THINK: Why do we punch the dough down before rolling it out?

  • REMEMBER: You are dividing your dough and sharing with the kitchen next to you. EVERY kitchen should have one whole wheat pizza and one regular pizza. 
    • K1 & K2 share
    • K3 & K4 share
    • K5 & K6 share
  • Wrap and label your pizza and store in left fridge for tomorrow.

2. Crust Research (on google classroom): You will have time to work on this Thursday while pizzas cook.

Tuesday, February 5, 2019

Carbohydrates: Pizza Day 1

Daily Agenda:

1. Make Pizza Dough!
Kitchens 1,3 and 5: Whole Wheat
Image result for whole wheat pizza crust recipe
Kitchens 2,4 and 6: Regular White Dough
Image result for pizza

Monday, February 4, 2019

Carbohydrates: Notes !

Daily Agenda:

Did you finish your nutrient super hero? If so, turn it in to me! If you did not, take a few minutes to complete.

1. Finish Food Inc. and discuss
2. Can you guess the carbs? 
3. Carb Notes (paper copy guided notes)
4. Go over Vegan Quinoa Tacos 
4. Sugar Shocker Activity ? If time!

Cooking Show!

Daily Agenda:  1. Cooking Show: Begin working on your cooking show presentation with your groups.      a. Decide on a food group    ...